International agency for research on cancer iarc 国际癌症研究机构
The information is from the institute of international agency based in new york 翻译:这个消息是从在美国的国际机构发布的。
Benzene is classified by the international agency for research on cancer as " carcinogenic to human " 国际癌症研究机构界定苯为致癌物质,对人体有害。
The international agency for research on cancer provides access to reports and databases on occurrence and characteristics -提供癌症预防科学治癌健康杂志癌症分类等治疗信息服务平台。
The operations department regularly published the following publications to introduce its work to the public and international agencies 执行处定期出版下列刊物,向市民及国际组织详细介绍它的工作:
The un and other international agencies agree on new guidelines to support the mental health of survivors of conflict and disaster 联合国与其它国际机构通过新准则,有助于冲突与灾难幸存者的心理健康。
The chemical composition of the cargo shall be determined by an independent international agency at load port , seller cost 货物之化学组成成份分析,须由独立的国际公证检验机构在装货港检验证明,所需费用由卖方负担。
Worldwide , there are 11 million new cancer cases reported annually and 7 million people die from the disease each year , according to the international agency for research on cancer 根据国际癌症研究机构的统计,全球每年新增癌症病历1100万,每年死于癌症的人达到700万。
Provides full text access to global information on women from journals , newsletters , research reports , government and international agencies , and fact sheets . 1992 - present 提供全球期刊、学报、研究报告、政府与国际性组织、及事实记录等女性相关的全文资料。收录年代: 1992年至今。